We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Five and a Half Years Later

Poetry Month, day 18

In Write Here. Write Now. at "imaginary garden with real toads". we were directed to breathe in, breathe out, be here now, and write about the moment.

Five and a Half Years Later

When I breathe in deep, and out,
when time and the world stop,
when I come into the moment
here and now, when I enter myself ...

I know that nothing is different,
it is only covered
by the small occurrences 
that make a life,
it has only gone deeper under
the everyday necessities of being.

I am still stopped 
at that moment when there was no more
you and me but only me

after you breathed in 
and out
and stopped.


  1. Sad but so beautiful a thought. How we have no choice but to carry on.
    "it is only covered by the small occurrences that make a life," Grief gives us this respite.

  2. Oh Rosemary this is so beautiful.. so sad and filled with deep longing... sigh..

  3. It's always hard to lose someone and it never gets better.

  4. This took my breath away...and brought back bitter-sweet memories. We never ever forget a moment where one breathed their last.

  5. I cant believe that many years has passed so quickly. I felt that moment of their being no more him, only you. Beautiful, Rosemary.

  6. Oh... that end.. it must come but when it comes it's almost never wished for...

  7. Wow. Just wow. This is incredible writing, profound full of space and silence and heart breaking all in one. Stunning.

  8. Oh my. This is heartbreaking. "after you breathed in and out and stopped." One keeps waiting for the chest to rise again.

  9. the silence between the words, the spaces, not empty - filled, with life still pulsing, as it will and must - yet quiet for the memory, there is something that really makes you just stop, to notice, one's own breath ~

    the gift of your poem Rosemary

  10. Oh, that is lovely. I was really surprised by the ending, but then it all made such sense. Beautiful work, Rosemary.

  11. The whole poem is beautiful but the last two stanzas are a gift to every reader. Thank you.


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