We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Feeding Myself on a Day of Rest

Feeding Myself on a Day of Rest

I'm feeling so lazy, I don't even want 
to peel myself one of those apples today,
though it would take only the merest moment.

I throw thoughts of apples and peelers away,
grab a handful of nuts and raisins instead.
It's a day for indulgence, a day for play.

First of all I was late getting out of bed.
I'm still in my PJ's if you want to know.
And I breakfasted on thick-sliced raisin bread.

Yes, toasted of course. The only way to go.
(Not the healthy breakfast I normally eat.)
Piled the butter on thick ... but that's ages ago ...

Mid-morning snack sorted. Now, what further treat
this Sunday, as I laze indoors from the heat?

A terza rima sonnet with hendecasyllabic lines, written for Fussy Little Forms: Terza Rima at "imaginary garden with real toads".


  1. I'm still in my PJs too, Rosemary, but not lazing indoors from the heat - I'm hiding from the cold. The clouds have stolen the sun away and it's dreary out there, with a hint of snow.
    Your poem has whetted my appetite for apples and feeling so lazy, I don't even want
    to peel myself one of those apples, nuts and raisins, and perhaps some toast for breakfast.

  2. Gosh I absolutely adore this!💞 Sundays are usually restful and spent in PJs and slippers 😊 I too sometimes urge myself to go into the kitchen and prepare myself a snack.💞

  3. Such a privilege Rosemary, to be happily resting at home doing one's own thing!


  4. Why fast without a surprise feast? Wonderful indulgence here!

  5. A reminder of "sabbath"--don't I need this playful spirit for my soul? (Got the raisin toast all ready to go!)

  6. When I read this the first time I was still in bed.... I think a Sunday should be a day like this...

  7. I love this poem! Love your voice. The third stanza is just wonderful. Yay! Signed, Also In Pajamas

  8. What a lovely way to spend a day of rest...tending to ourselves with favorite foods and play in our PJs. I find myself doing more and more of this especially in these winter months!!

  9. You describe the perfect Sunday. Yup! that's me making food decisions all Sunday-long :)

  10. Change the heat to cold and I'm still right with you. Lazing at home (with a good book -heavenly)

  11. light hearted and a reminder to carve out a morning (if not a day) for such indulgences!

  12. A nice job of writing, Rosemary. I liked reading about, well, the P.J's. of course, your skimpy breakfast. It would be my 10:00 snack. Cinnamon raisin bread with crème cheese and jam.

    I feel I should make sure you know about my picture. I put this on my FB:
    "This picture was taken in a museum in the cellar of the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte mansion (southeast of Paris about 61km). Imprisonment for Money, Powerm, and Politics."

    1. I did check the link at your picture. Fascinating, particularly to one like me, steeped in The Three Musketeers.

  13. Sunday snacking, a toss in the wind for the every day must do... Love it!

  14. Aw..What a beautiful ode on indolence! Our Sunday moments indeed :D


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